A Little Poem About My Love

I thought I’d write a poem about my Jesus and my Lord.

‘Cuz no offense everyone, but HE is my adored.

I fill up on Jesus when I listen and read what he’s got to say.

My Father and my God…he KNOWS and IS the way!


When I am distracted and I don’t know what to do,

I listen for his voice, and he tells me what is true.

Sometimes, I feel I’m drowning in the craziness of life,

But my God is there beside me rescuing me from strife.

There is so much that goes wrong sometimes, so many mistakes on my part.

But God is my redeemer and forgiver; he has my heart.


When I spend time with Jesus, my whole day gets better.

He is my love and rescuer; when I’m lost, he’s the go-getter.

I don’t need expensive toys or any of the fuss—

I wrote this poem just to say, I need JESUS! 


Written June 14, 2012, Anna Olson =)

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